
Eventim Apollo Box Office

All the information you need on Eventim Apollo. See what shows are now booking, whether currently showing or scheduled for future runs.

Check the theatre facilities, location, travel information and get directions to the theatre.

What's on at Eventim Apollo

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Eventim Apollo Details

Travel Information

Rail Icon Nearest rail: Kensington (Olympia)

London Underground Icon Tube lines: Piccadilly, District, Circle And Hammersmith & City

London Underground Icon Nearest tube: Hammersmith

Parking Icon Car park: Kings Mall

Congestion Zone Icon In congestion zone?: Yes

Where is Eventim Apollo?

2 Queen Caroline Street, London, W6 9QH
Get directions

Please note: The location shown on the map is an approximate location of the theatre. In the majority of cases the theatre will be marked on the map so please make sure you locate the exact location yourself. If the theatre is not shown on the map please make sure you locate the correct road name and take account of the directions.

Eventim Apollo Facilities


Disabled toilets


Wheelchair accessible